A typical day at Kew Giggles

The daily routine at a glance

8am-845am                 Breakfast time


8.45-9:15am                 Free play


9:15-10am                   Child led play and Adult led activities


10-10.30am                  Snack and rhyme time


10.30-11.30am              Outdoor time/outing  


11.30-11.45am               Child led play/ free play


12-1pm                        lunch 


1-3pm                         Quiet play and nap


3-4:45pm                     Adult led activities/Outdoor time/outing


5pm                            Dinner time


5.30-6pm                     free play and pick up



Child led activity:- Is play associated with toys or materials that the children have opted for themselves. This play is led by the children, however, sometimes according to the age group we may also lay out a selection of toys that may prompt the childrens interest, or become involved in their play to bring new ideas to the experience and to help expand the childrens language abiltiies   


Adult led ativities:- Are set in place by the teachers, using the developmental areas of the EYFS. This is in order to enhance the childrens abitilites in all 6 areas.

These activities can be group or individual in their approach and the children will be observed at set times to ensure they are developing in all areas. 


To find out more about the Early years foundation stage and the developmental guidelines.

go to 

